INTERNET Full Form, What is the full form of INTERNET?

INTERNET Full Form, What is the Full form of  INTERNET? What does INTERNET stand for?

The Full Form of  INTERNET is Interconnected Network.

Internet is used by everyone. But there are very few people who know what is the full form of Internet & abbreviation of INTERNET. Today internet has changed the whole world, if today we are able to use apps like facebook, whatsapp, uc browser and search engine like google, bing, yahoo etc. then it is a direct medium as internet, because without internet they have Nothing can be operated from. Through them we feel connected to the world.

But today all this has been possible only due to internet, but today people search on internet what is internet and how it works, so let us know what internet is & INTERNET abbreviation.   The Internet is a network of multiple connected computers that connect any computer in the world through routers and servers.  

The Internet is a global structure of interconnected computer networks that exchange data by packet switching using transmission control protocol or internet protocol. Internet is also called network of networks because it is worth crores. People connect large organisations and many countries.

Internet is a computer based international information system called information super highway Internet facility is spread by some companies all over the world. And it has different plans and service providers. Some of these internet providers provide the fastest internet, while some are slow internet, cheap internet provider.

INTERNET का फुल फॉर्म क्या है?  INTERNET ka full form kya hai? 

INTERNET Full Form in Hindi –  इंटरकनेक्टेड नेटवर्क.

INTERNET Stands For Interconnected Network. In simple language, the connection between two computers established through the TCP / IP Protocol to exchange information is called Internet, Internet is the largest network in the world.

When two or more computers connect to each other to exchange information, a network is created, the same network is named Internet. We are able to exchange information or documents in our computers only due to Internet.

The Internet which is connected to this world today. Do you know what is the full form of Internet? The full form of Internet is “Interconnected Network”. The Internet is a global structure of interconnected computer networks. Millions of people and private academic, industry and government networks are spread all over the world.

Usage of Internet

  • You can send and receive email messages using the Internet.
  • Using the Internet, you can play games with other people online.
  • You can transfer any file instantly using the Internet.
  • You can transfer money from one account to another using the Internet.
  • Using the Internet, you can share images and videos with your friend and family.
  • Skype can be used to make free phone calls to other computer users using the Internet.

 You can read the Wikipedia Information about INTERNET here.

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